

Sustainable Carbon Stock Inventory

2.58 Billions

Total Asset Value

2,830,574 ha

Asset Area Size


Total Carbon Project Developers

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Carbon credits

We collaborate with financiers of carbon project developers who adhere to the Gold Standard, VCS Standard, and CCB Standard, as well as certifications like ACR, CAR, and regional certifiers in Brazil and worldwide. Our significant projects are compliance-driven, established in governmental forests, while others are situated in privately preserved forests voluntarily maintained by our partners, operating under the UN REDD, REDD+, and AFOLU modalities.

We engage in partnerships with developers of carbon projects that align with the Brazilian methodology developed by BIPASA. This methodology includes specific guidelines and frameworks tailored to the Brazilian context for the implementation and monitoring of carbon offset projects. By collaborating with these developers, we ensure that all projects listed from the Amazon forest and other parts of Brazil adhere to the required standards and regulations established by BIPASA. This commitment contributes to sustainable carbon emission reduction efforts in Brazil.